PapersEnlargement and NeighbourhoodAn E-Integration Marathon: The Potential Impact of Ukrainian Membership on the EU's...

An E-Integration Marathon: The Potential Impact of Ukrainian Membership on the EU’s Digitalisation and Cybersecurity


Digitalisation is neither a one-size-fits-all solution nor a turnkey project like building a bridge or a tunnel. It requires the active participation of all stakeholders – political leaders, lawmakers, and public servants – to ensure the effort is appropriate for the country’s legal system and administrative culture. For an effective digital transformation, leaders must realise how revolutionary digitalisation can be, completely rethinking governance. This paper envisages the future of Ukraine in Europe, focusing on the areas of digitalisation and cybersecurity. The war has pushed Ukraine to seek membership in the European Union and thus access to the EU Digital Single Market (DSM), which presupposes an alignment with international regulations and standards.

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Author: Merle Maigre, Programme Director of Cybersecurity at Estonia’s e-Governance Academy.

This text has originally been published on the ICDS website.

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