Fair MusE is pleased to announce the release of its first policy brief titled « Fairness in the EU music ecosystem policy: towards a multifaceted approach. » This collaborative effort, authored by the project’s distinguished academic researchers, features contributions from Antonios Vlassis (ULIEGE), Giuseppe Mazziotti (UCP), Evangelia Psychogiopoulou (ELIAMEP), Apostolos Samaras (ELIAMEP), Anna Kandyla (ELIAMEP), and Dealan Riga (ULIEGE).
The policy brief addresses critical issues that have arisen from the dominance of major online music platforms, advocating for a fairer, more competitive, and sustainable music sector in Europe.
Full text version (PDF)
Authors: Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Senior Research Fellow, European Law & Governance, Fundamental Rights and EU Values, EU Law-Making, EU Law and Policies for the Digital Transformation, Cultural Diversity, the Media, EU Horizontal Policy Priorities, European Judicial Dialogue; Apostolos Samaras, Research Fellow, REBOOT and Fair MusE projects; European Law and Governance, Economic Law, Public Law, International Law, Human Rights Law; Anna Kandyla, Research Fellow, Media and Political Communication, European Politics, Political Participation, Democracy
This article is available on the ELIAMEP website.