PapersTech and InnovationImplementing the AI Act: The Commission's first big test for better regulation

Implementing the AI Act: The Commission’s first big test for better regulation

By Centre for European Reform

Ursula von der Leyen has said her next Commission will simplify the EU’s complex regulatory environment to boost growth, especially in high-tech sectors. How the EU implements its Artificial Intelligence Act will be its first big test. Better regulation is the mantra of newly re-elected Commission president Ursula von der Leyen. Spurred by recent criticisms in influential reports by Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi about the quality of recent EU regulations and their impact on economic growth – Draghi’s report stated that “we are killing our companies” – she has tasked each of her commissioners with cutting red tape and making the EU rulebook easier for businesses to comply with.

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Author: Zach Meyers, Assistant director, Centre For European Reform.

This article is available on the CER website. 

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